
Join each of the two sentences into one complex sentence. Use the clue in brackets to help you.

Join Each Of The Two Sentences Into One Complex Sentence Use The Clue In Brackets To Help You class=

Odpowiedź :


1 Resistors, which can be used to reduce the current in a circuit, are sometimes made of a length of nichrome wire.

2 Potentiometers, which are used in radios as volume controls and tone controls, are often circular.  

3 The more current flows, the hotter the thermistor gets. albo z 0 trybu warunkowego When more current flows, the thermistor gets hotter.

4 If lamp is marked 60 W, this means it is converting electricity to heat and light at the rate of 60 joules per second.

5 X-rays, which were discovered by Röntgen in 1895, can be used in industry to inspect metal castings.

6 Radios and computers could be damaged if the power supply is connected the wrong way round.

7 Special diodes called LEDs give out light if current passes through them.  

8 LEDs, which are often used as indicator lamps, are small, reliable, and need only a small current.

9 When light shines on a semiconductor, it conducts electricity more easily.

10 A reed switch, which is often used in electronic circuit, consist a glass tube with two iron reeds in it.

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