5 team work muszę mieć 3 dialogi ważne żeby były proste bo mam je znać na pamięć klasa 6 zadanie 5 str 92 ten obrazek może pomóc do tego trzeba dopisać kilka wyrazów

- Hi, How can I help you?
- Hi, I'm looking for black pen
- What about this one?
- Do you have any other ?
- Yes, here
- Thank you, I will take that one
- Sorry, I'm looking for shoe size 38, do you have it?
- Yes, here
- Thank you, but it's to small. Do you have 39?
- Here
- Thank you
- You are wellcome
- Can I help you?
- I'm looking for sport bra
- There are here
- What about black one?
- Sorry, we don't have any black
- Shame, thank you.