
Zapoznaj się ze słowniczkiem, a następnie uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami.


criticize - krytykować

past - były, przeszły

argue - kłócić się

mention - wspominać (o czymś)

lie - kłamać

convince - przekonać

openly - otwarcie

loser - nieudacznik

failure - niepowodzenie

valuable - wartościowy, cenny

asset - atut, plus

Never criticize your past employers. Even if you argued with your previous boss, do not mention it to the interviewer. Otherwise he or she might think that you are a 1_____________[a) disloyal , b) clever, c) outgoing] person. Also, 2_______ [a) often, b) always, c) never] lie about your experience and achievements. Even if you don't have much to offer, convince them that you are ready to learn. On the other hand, do not show your weak points too openly. Remember why you are there: you want to get the job, so 3 _________[a) tell b), speak, c) say] them the truth. Yet there's no point in presenting 4___________[a) them, b) your, c) yourself] as a loser. Of course they will probably ask you about your weak points, so prepare your answer in 5____________ [a) addition, b)advance, c) advantage]. Tell them what you have learnedfrom your failure and point out that you won't make the same 6 ________ [a) advice, b) mistake, c) trick] again. The information that you learn from your mistakes is your 7_________ [a) simple, b) valuable, c) complicated] asset.

Odpowiedź :


Never criticize your past employers. Even if you argued with your previous boss, do not mention it to the interviewer. Otherwise he or she might think that you are a 1________A_____[a) disloyal , b) clever, c) outgoing] person. Also, 2____C___ [a) often, b) always, c) never] lie about your experience and achievements. Even if you don't have much to offer, convince them that you are ready to learn. On the other hand, do not show your weak points too openly. Remember why you are there: you want to get the job, so 3 _____A____[a) tell b), speak, c) say] them the truth. Yet there's no point in presenting 4_____C______[a) them, b) your, c) yourself] as a loser. Of course they will probably ask you about your weak points, so prepare your answer in 5________B____ [a) addition, b)advance, c) advantage]. Tell them what you have learnedfrom your failure and point out that you won't make the same 6 _____B___ [a) advice, b) mistake, c) trick] again. The information that you learn from your mistakes is your 7_____D____ [a) simple, b) valuable, c) complicated] asset.
