
Podane zdania przetłumacz na język angielski na czas przeszły:

Piotr grał w piłkę nożną wczoraj.

Czy Michał pisał list o 17?

Tomek nie rozumiał chińskiego kiedy miał 12 lat.

Moi koledzy oglądali film kiedy przyjechał Krzysiek.

Pojechałem na koncert.

Do podanych zdań zrób zdania ogólne (tzw.”czy”) oraz przeczenia:

I was dreaming of the past.

He went to Hollywood.

She taught him some chords.

I was dancing in the streets of New Orleans.

We learnt irregular verbs.
Proszę szybko

Odpowiedź :

zadanie 1

1. Piotr/Peter played football yesterday.

2. Was Michał/Michael writing a letter at 5p.m.?

3. When Tomek/Tom was 12 years old, he didn't understand Chinese.

4. My friends were watching a film, when Krzysiek/Chris arrived.

5. I have gone to a concert.

zadanie 2

1. Was I dreaming of the past?

I wasn't dreaming of the past.

2. Did he go to Hollywood?

He didn't go to Hollywood.

3. Did she teach him some chords?

She didn't teach him some chords.

4. Was I dancing on the streets of New Orleans?

I wasn't dancing on the streets of New Orleans.

5. Did we learn irregular verbs?

We didn't learn irregular verbs.