
2. Zamień zdania w Past Simple ze strony czynnej na bierną.
Shakespeare wrote ,Romeo and Juliet”.
Somebody stole my wallet.
The Egyptians built the first pyramids.
The Wright brothers built the first aeroplane.
They produced the first microwave ovens in 1954.
They didn't print the first book in English before 15th century.
The police didn't arrest the suspect.​

Odpowiedź :

1. "Romeo and Juliet" was written by Shakespeare.

2. My wallet was stolen by somebody.

3. The first pyramids were built by Egyptians.

4. The first aeroplane was built by The Wright brothers.

5. The first microwave ovens were produced by them in 1954.

6. The first book in English wasn't printed by them before 15th century.

7. The suspect wasn't arrested by the police.