
II. Napisz zdania przeczące. np: She watched TV. She didn't watch TV.

6. They went to a cafe. ___________________________________________
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7.I took a bus to school.________________________________________________________
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8.He studied for a test.____________________________________________________
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9.The bus stopped near the bank.__________________________________________
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10.Ann wore a dress._________________________________________________
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6. they went to a cafe. they didn't go to a cafe.

7. i took a bus to school. i didn't take a bus to school.

8. he studied for a test. he didn't study for a test.

9. the bus stopped near the bank. the bus didn't stop near the bank.

10. ann wore a dress. ann didn't wear a dress.


6. They didn’t go to a cafe.
7. I didn’t take a bus to school.
8. He didn’t study for a test
9. The bus didn’t stop near the bank
10. Ann didn’t wear a dress