
Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

Przykład: (Mam kilka jabłek) I’ve got a few apples, so let’s make an apple pie.

1 (Ile bananów) _________________________ do you eat every day?

2 There’s (za dużo soli) _________________________ in this dish.

3 (Nie mamy żadnych) _________________________ grapes.

4 Dex bought (kilka pomidorów) _________________________.

5 In the bowl (jest dużo pomarańczy) _________________________.

6 I’d like to make some pancakes for dinner, but (nie ma) ___________________________ milk left in the fridge.

7 The physics test was so difficult that (bardzo niewielu uczniów) _________________________________ passed it.

8 When I went to the ciemna yesterday evening, I met (kilka osób)________________________ from my school there.

9 I love my nephew Jerry but he asks (zbyt wiele pytań)_____________________________

10. My older brother has problem sleeping because he drinks (zbyt dużo kawy)____________________________

11 I love reading and I try to find (trochę czasu) ______________________________to read every day.

(Jest bardzo mało chleba)________________________________________. You need to buy some.

(Nie mamy żadnych wiadomości) __________________________________________ from anut Julia.

( Czy są jakieś pomidory)___________________________________on the table?

(Nie ma soku)___________________________ no __________________ in the bottle.

Odpowiedź :


1. How many Bananas do you eatsvery Day

2.There ' s too much salt on this fish

3. I do not have any grapes

4. Dex bought a few tomatoes

5. Im the bowl There are a lot of oranges.

6.I’d like to make some pancakes for dinner, but There is no milk left in the fridge.

7. The physics test was so difficult that very few students passed IT.

8. When I went to the ciemna yesterday evening, I met several people from my school there.

9.I love my nephew Jerry but he asks too many questions

10.My older brother has problem sleeping because he drinks too much coffee

11.I love reading and I try to find some time to read every day.

12. There is very little bread You need to buy some.

13. We don't have any news from anut Julia.

14.Are there any tomatoes on the table?

15. No juice no in the bottle