Bardzo proszę o pomoc ......

1. Each week I get from my parents 25 złoty.
2. Each week I spent 10 złoty on snacks and 5 złoty on drinks.
3. I only buy gifts for my friends' birthdays.
4. Yes, I always shop around, because I need to think before I buy something.
5. I think my Iphone, which I bought for myself on Christmas, is overpriced.
6. I found a bargain last weekend when I was doing shopping in a mall. It was a colorful sweatshirt on a discount - of course I bought it.
7. When I want to save some money I try to reduce my spendings as much as I can - for example: I don't buy sweet drinks in one week.
8. I wouldn't pay too much, because I don't like to overspend.
9. Sometimes, but only when I'm thinking about buying that thing.
10. I like second-hands vey much - it's cheap and I can find there a lot of brand new clothes.
Wymyśliłam jakieś w miarę neutralne odpowiedzi, mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :) Liczę na naj