
Czy kiedykolwiek slyszales) about freecycle gift
making? It's a project in which teenagers find elderly
people ? (którzy chcą 3 give away old things. Then
the products are remade and (są dawane) 21 to
their friends as unique presents.
Another interesting idea is swishing. Teens get
together with their friends, parents or neighbours.
Everyone brings (ubrania dla innych) and
accessories to swap. It's like a shop, where old
clothes get new owners. It's fun because teenagers do
not have to spend any money and they hang out with
their friends who advise 5 (sobie nawzajem) 21 on
what to choose. And if there are any leftover things,
they are later donated to ® (sklepy z używanymi
rzeczami) 2. This idea is very popular in the UK.
(Czy stanie się to) ? popular in Poland, too?
sxybko plissss​