
3 Przeczytaj dialog i zdecyduj, czy zdania 1-3
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I've heard you won the programming contest. You must be
so happy!
Ted: I suppose so.
Oh dear. What's the matter?
Ted: Well, I won, but I beat Madison, who's my best friend. She's
really angry with me.
Don't worry, I'm sure you can sort it out.
Ted: I'm not so sure. The contest was really important for her. I'm
worried she won't speak to me again.
Jo: Poor you! Maybe you should wait a few days and try to talk
to her again. I'm sure she'll understand.
Ted: That sounds good. That's what I'll do. Thanks for the advice.
No problem. Good luck!
Ted: Thanks, Jo.
1 Ted is very pleased that he won the contest.
2 Jo believes that Ted can sort his problem out.
3 Ted thinks that Jo's advice is helpful.