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Maria Skłodowska Curie was very famous women. She and her husband devoted their lives to Science and radioactivity. In 1903, they won the Nobel Prize for Physic. In 1906, she took her husband's job at Sorbonne in Paris . I like her, because she was Polish and she was the first woman to teach at the famous Uniwersity. She hadn't easy life, because in 1906 her husband died in a street accident. She wasn't give in. Maria Skłodowska Curie won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. She was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes! She died in 1934 from exposure to radiation. One years later Maria and Pierre's daughter Irene won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Odpowiedź :

Maria Skłodowska Curie łos very fejmus łumen. Szi end her hasbynt devoted teir lajws to sajens end radioaktiwi. In najtin tri, they won The Nobel prajz for fizik. In najntin six, szi took her hasbynts dżob at sorbone in paris. Aj lajk her, bikos szi łas polisz end szi łas The first łumen to ticz et The fejmus uniwersiti. Szi hadnt izi liv, bikos in najntin six her hasbynt dajd in a strit asident. Szi wasnt giv in. Maria skłodowska kiri won The nobel prajz for chemistri in najntin ilewen. Szi łos The first pirson to łin to nobel prajzezs! Szi dajd in najntin tirti-for from ixposur to radjaton. Łan jears lejter end pieres dałczer iren won The nobel prajz for chemistri.

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