
1Uzupełnij wyrazy.

1I cant cycle up the h _ _ _ .

2Theres a small boat on the l _ _ _ .

3There are two horses in the f _ _ _ _ .

4The v _ _ _ _ _ is beautiful.

5Can you swim to the i _ _ _ _ _ ?

6Lets have a picnic on the b _ _ _ _ .

3Napisz przymiotniki w stopniu wyższym i najwyższym.







7 big

8 fast old

9 popular

10 good


4Przeczytaj tekst Tima. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe ( ) lub fałszywe ( ).

1Tim prefers the city to the coast.

2Tim lives close to the sea.

3Tims friends often hire a boat on holiday.

4Tims friends like fishing.

5The rocks are sometimes dangerous.

6Tim likes cold weather.
There are many beautiful places to visit in my country. My favourite places are near the coast. I live in a big city, and its the furthest place from the coast in the country!
When I go on holiday, I usually go swimming. My friends often hire a boat and go fishing, but I prefer to be in the water. I dont need a sandy beach. Its more interesting to swim near the cliffs, because there arent many people there, and you can see some beautiful fish. The rocks can be a bit dangerous, though. The only thing that Id like to have on holiday is hotter weather, but there are other things that
are more important to me.