
Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski:

Ty zapłać, a ja będę CI winny pieniądze.

Czy pomożesz mi?

Zamierzamy pomalować nasz pokój

Joanna jutro idzie do lekarza

Czy jedziecie w tym roku na wakacje do Grecji?

Mr Smith nie zamierza brać udziału w tych zawodach

Prawdopodobnie sprzedam mój samochód

Czy Frank zamierza skończyć to zadanie domowe?

Pójdę, i przyniosę patyki na ognisko

Uwierzę, kiedy zobaczę


2. Uzupełnij luki właściwą formą czasownika (present continuous, be going to lub future simple).

_____ you _____ (buy) meat?

No, I _______(not eat) meat any more.

_____ you _____ (lend) me your season ticket?

I _______(have) my car repaider next week

If you drop that bottle it _______(break)
I’ve hired a typewriter and I ______ (learn) type

I’m sure that you ______(like) him.

What ____ you ______(do) when you grow up?

She _______(come) back on Monday

They ______(lay) the foundation next week

I ______(telephone) them right now

Where _____ you____(put) this new piano?

The window cleaner _________(come) at 6 o’clock

He _____(not write) to you unless you write to him

He ______(translate) it for you

Odpowiedź :


pay you and l owe you money.

will you help me?

were're going to paint our room.

joanna goes to the doctor tomorrow.

are you going on holiday greece this year

Mr smith is not going to takepart in this contest


You pay and I’m gonna owe you money

Can you help me?

We are going to paint our room.

Joanna is going to the doctor tomorrow.

Are you going on vacation to Greece This year?

Mr Smith is not going to takie a part in a competition.

Probably, I’m going to sell my car.

Is Frank going to finish This homework?

I will go and bring some sticks for the campfire.

I'm gonna believe it when I will see it.