
Na teraz ! Daje 50 punktów
Zadaj pytanie o zdania w gwiazdce
1. Animals are fed *twice a day*.

How often …..?

2. A new block of flats is built *in Cracow*.


3. The meeting was held *on Monday.*


4. This landscape was painted by *Laura.*


5. These sculptures are made of *iron.*

Odpowiedź :


1. How ofter animals are feeding?

Animals are feeding twice a day.

2. Where is a new block built?

New block bulit is in Cracow.

3. When did the meeting held?

The meeting was help on Monday.

4. Who was this landscape painted by?

This landscape painted Laura.

5. What these sculptures are made of?

This sculptures are made of iron.


Nie wiedziałam czy odpowiedzi tez więc napisałam. Miłego dnia :)