Odpowiedź :
zad. 1
1. pocket
2. trolley
3. change
4. piggy
5. escalator
6. loaf
7. bunch
8. food court
9. shoppers
10. price
zad. 2
1. taller
2. pretty
3. happiest
4. easier
5. best
6. the most boring
7. worse
8. bigger
9. hot
10. longest
→ Trolley
→ Change
→ Piggy
→ Escalator
→ Loaf
→ Bunch
→ Food court
→ Shoppers
→ Price
→ Taller
→ Pretty
→ Happiest
→ Easier
→ Best
→ The most boring
→ Worse
→ Bigger
→ Hot
→ Longest
Zdania z going to:
→ I'm going to eat something now.
→ I'm going to go to school tomorrow.
→ I'm going on vacation next week.
→ My friend is going to go cycling with me today.
→ I'm going to go to sleep.
Zdania z Present Continuous:
→ I'm playing football.
→ He's writing a book.
→ We are waiting for my aunt.
→ Jack is having breakfast.
→ They are studying.