MADAD25ON MADAD25ON Język angielski Rozwiązane Uzupełnij zdania, używając odpowiednich wyrazów z ramki. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. Pole tekstowe 1 I got ______________ in the city centre. I couldn’t find the way to the car. 2 ‘I’d like a ______________ ticket to Cracow, please.’ 3 My longest ________________ ever was to Istanbul. It took me 15 hours to get there by bus. 4 Can we go ______________ this time instead of going to the beach? 5 Let’s ask for more details of the trip at the ______________ agent’s. 2. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, wpisując jedno słowo w lukę. Pierwsze litery brakujących wyrazów zostały podane. Go p___________ the bank and keep going for another 100 metres. The restaurant is o____________ the supermarket. C__________ the road by the cinema. T___________ the second turning and go straight on. Go s____________ on for about 200 metres. 3. Wybierz właściwe słowo. 1 lose / visit / miss your flight 2 a school tour / trip / voyage 3 make / put / take up a tent 4 means / thing / way of transport 5 travel by / in / with coach 4. Połącz fragmenty zdań 1-10 z a-j. Have a safe… Please fasten… We missed the bus and we had to go… I’d like to book… The plane… Which platform… Is this seat… You have to change… Do not leave your luggage… Can you show me the way… a double room unattended. taken took off a minute ago at Katowice. does the train depart from? to the airport? your seatbelts trip on foot prosze o pomoc ! z góry dziękuje