
Prosze pomocy !! DAJE NAJ!!!

4. Zastosuj Il tryb warunkowy.
1 If she
(work) harder, she
(have) more money
2 The city
(be) less crowded if more people
(live) in
the country.
3 Who
(you/meet) if you
(can) choose anyone?
(buy) a Ferrari ifl. (have) enough money
(tell) you If you
(be) wrong​

Odpowiedź :


If she worked harder, she would have more money.

TThe city would be less crowded if more people lived in the country.

Who would you meet if you could choose anyone?

I would buy a Ferrari if I had enough money.

I would tell you if you were wrong.

Mam nadzieję że dobrze i że pomogłam :)
