

Przekształć zdanie twierdzące na pytanie
You sat on this chair
They gave Sue A microphone
They Found this book
Uzupełnij zdanie poprawna formą czasownika w nawiasie
We...(watch) A game show yesterday
My brother (not,win) the Championship on Saturday

Odpowiedź :


Did you sit on this chair?

Did they give Sue A microphone?

Did they find this book?

We watched a game show yesterday

My brother didn't win the Champonship on Saturday

mam nadzieje że jest dobrze i trochu pomogłam (":

Odpowiedź: 1.

Jeśli pytasz kto to zrobił:

You sat on this chair ---> Have you sat down on this chair?

They gave Sue a microphone ---> Who gave Sue a microphone?

They found this book ---> Who found this book?

Jeśli pytasz czy dana czynność była wykonywana:

You sat on this chair ---> Did you sit on this chair?

They gave Sue a microphone ---> Did they give Sue a microphone?

They found this book ---> Did they find the book?


We watched a game show yesterday.

My brother did not win the championship on saturday.


troszkę się jeszcze uczę jak tutaj ogarniać . w .

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