
Pracujcie w parach. Przeczytajcie opis sytuacji. Ułóżcie dialog zgodnie z podanymi podpunktach i go odegrajcie. W rozmowie omówicie cztery przedstawione poniżej zagadnienia.

Pracujcie W Parach Przeczytajcie Opis Sytuacji Ułóżcie Dialog Zgodnie Z Podanymi Podpunktach I Go Odegrajcie W Rozmowie Omówicie Cztery Przedstawione Poniżej Za class=

Odpowiedź :


Student A: Can you tell me more about this trip? How long is the journely? And what is the cost entire trip, what are the entertainment and attractions? Would other students be willing to partcipate?

Student B: Of course, no problem. The trip itself would take about six (6) hours, the stay would last a whole week. The entire stay and travel cost eight hundred (800) Euro. The attractions include a tour of the entire center, along with shows of new projects and the latest technologies. In my opinion, the trip is really interesting, and there would be many people willing to go there. We can hang announcements on the notice board for students as well as announce throught an announcement.

Student A: Okay, then let's get to the organization, good look finding people willing to travel.

Student B: Thank you very much!