
ułoży 2 dialogi po ANGIELSKU jak dotrzeć z punktu A do Punktu B
(używając mapki której dałam w linku )​

Ułoży 2 Dialogi Po ANGIELSKU Jak Dotrzeć Z Punktu A Do Punktu Bużywając Mapki Której Dałam W Linku class=

Odpowiedź :

(Point B is hospital)

E - Emy

K - Kate

E : How to go to hospital?

K : We're now in Board street , next to museum at right and library at left - You're going in straight to roundabout next you must turn's left to King's Road then Police station is at your right and next is point B

E : Thank you Kate!

(Point B is Italian Restaurant)

? - Stranger

K - Kate

? - Hello. Do you know how arrive to italian restaurant?

K- Yes! First you're going straight to rondabout , next youre going to right side and at your left is book shop youre going straight more and next is cafe ane next Italian restaurant

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