
Napist po angielsku 5 zdań jak bezpiecznie używać internetu

Odpowiedź :


To be safe in the internet don't give your personal password.

If you are doing shopping make sure the website is good to buy.

Don't meet people in the internet because you don't know who that person is.

If you are playing the game in what you bought things for money never give your password because someone can steal your account.

If you receive notifications from different sites, do not enter them because they can steal your money.

Miłego dnia:)


1.Do not give out personal information to strangers for example: name, surname, home address, etc

2.Don't send strangers online photos that show your face!

3.Don't follow suspicious links.

4.Don't date strangers you meet online.

5.To anyone, do not give out your account passwords, etc.




SKÓRT "ETC." - Oznacza po polsku itp.