
Chcesz zaprosić kolegę z Irlandii do odwiedzenia cię podczas ferii zimowych. Napisz e-mail.

1.Zaproś kolegę, wyjasnij, jaki termin najbardziej ci odpowiada i dlaczego.

2.Wyjaśnij, jak najlepiej dotrzeć do twojego domu z lotniska

3.Zaproponuj, jak moglibyście razem spędzić czas.

50-120 słów

Po angielsku! i bardzo proszę o pomoc mam to na dzisiaj do 20.00​

Odpowiedź :


Hi, (imię tu wstaw jakieś)

How are u? What did you do in last days? I hope that you're okay.

Anyway, I want to invite you on my winter holidays! It'll be in few days probably in 21th february about 4pm.

I know that you never been in Poland so I can tell you how you can arrive from airplane here. Just if you out on street you must take a taxi and you have to say my house adress and then it'll be easy! When you will be with me we can go on skies or snowboarders. My mom can take us to my grandparents where is huge mountains! Really, In my mind everything will be amazing and we'll have a good time.

I hope that you agree and we'll can meet. Take care!



Hi Mark!

I wanted to invate you to winter holiday's!The date of the day is January 3!I wanted to invate you to winter holiday's because i don't have someone to spend time with in holiday's.My house is in Warsaw so you can fly a plane and after you can go to the bus!We can do a lot of fun thing.This is:We can do a snowfight!Make a big snowman and give him a pot on his head!We can also do ice skating and sledging from the great mountain.

See you there.Mark!


Mam nadzieję żę pomogłam :D