Potrzebuję jak najszybciej

Witaj :)
1. had, would take
2. knew, would understand
3. won't become, doesn't go
4. would wear, lived
5. doesn't hurry, will miss
6. don't eat, will be
7. lend, will you ride
8. looked, would get tired
1. would take
2. knew; would understand
3. won't become; doesn't go
4. would wear; lived
5. doesn't hurry; will miss
6. don't eat; will be
7. lend; will you ride
8. looked; would get tired
po "if" nie ma will, jest czas teraźniejszy w 0 i 1 okresie warunkowym oraz przeszły w 2 okresie. dodatkowo w drugim okresie po "if" zamiast will występuje would