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Guy Fawkes Day
Guy Fawkes Day is celebrated by British, on 5th November. The name this holiday origins from name Guy Fawkes. He was a Catholic who in 1605 tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with gunpowder. However, the plot failed because king James I knew about the plot earlier.
Today, we have fireworks and bonfires every year , on 5th November. English children prepare big dolls, dress them in old clothes and put old hats on their heads. After this, they are walking on the streets , saying : A penny for the guy! Later, they burn these dolls called guys. They also sing rhymes like this:
"Remember, remember
The fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot;
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot"
Few days ago, our english teacher invited us to see the fireworks , so we came to school at eight. We also had a bonfire! It was really cool, i enjoyed the event. I really liked this, and im waiting for the next year!