

“We visited her this morning” they said. ...........
“We'll see her next summer” they said. ...........
“They were here three months ago”, he said. ...........
“I'm meeting them at four o'clock today’, he said ...........
“I can see you tomorrow”, she said. ...........

Odpowiedź :

W tym zadaniu musimy przepisać zdania, używając mowy zależnej.

“We visited her this morning,” they said.

They said that they had visited her that morning.

“We'll see her next summer,” they said.

They said that they would see her the following summer.

“They were here three months ago,” he said.

He said that they had been there three months ago.

“I'm meeting them at four o'clock today," he said.

He said that he was meeting them at four o'clock that day.

“I can see you tomorrow," she said.

She said that she could see me the next day.

Mowy zależnej używamy do mówienia o tym, co ktoś inny powiedział. Zastosujemy tutaj tak zwany backshift of tenses, czyli cofniemy się o jeden czas. Na przykład:

  • present simple - past simple,
  • past simple - past perfect,
  • will - would

"I am a teacher," she said. - She said that she was a teacher.