
Exercise 2/Ćwiczenie 2
Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verbs. Use the modal verbs from the box
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami modalnymi. Wykorzystaj czasowniki modalne z poniższej
can can't should shouldn't. must. mustn't have to don't have to
1. You ....
eat a heavy meal before swimming.
2. You ......
........ turn off your mobile phones in the cinema.
3. 1............
smoke in the restaurant.
4. She ...
..... take a raincoat. It looks like it's going to rain.
5. You ....
drink so much before going to bed.
6. ............
ski. I took private lessons with a ski instructor last year.
7. We ..........
go to school. It is Saturday.
8. You ....
say bad words. This is wrong.
9. 1............
..... do my homework. It is for tomorrow.
10. We
all stay calm in case of emergency.
plisssssss na teraz daję naj ​