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An unusual relationship
Most people love dogs, but you don't often find orangutans that are in love with them too! However, Suryia the orangutan is the exception. He and his dog friend, Roscoe, are two animals (1) whose frienship is unique.
Suryia and Roscoe live at the Myrtle Beach Safari, (2) which is a 50-acre nature park, in South Carolina, USA. In 2008, (3) when Suryia was riding on an elephant with the directot of the park, a lost dog suddenly came out of the woods. Suryia jumped off the elephant and ran to the dog. They started playing together and have been best friends ever since. Now they go to the pool in the park, (4) where thay swim and play around. Suryia holds Roscoe by the tail, and Roscoe pulls him around in the water. Suryia takes Roscoe for walks around the park and even gives him his monkey biscuits.
This friendship, (5) which is very unusual, has made many people around the world smile.
who - odnosimy do osoby (który, która, które, którzy)
which - odnosimy do rzeczy/zwierząt/pojęć (która, który, które)
where - użyjemy wskazując miejsce (gdzie)
when - określa czas (kiedy)
whose - określa przynależność (czyj, czyja, czyje, którego, której itp.)