
How could you rephrase the underlined words if you didn't know them?
1 They're watching a film on a really big screen. screen.
2 They are several generations of the same family. generations.
3 She's looking at a TV guide. TV guide.
4 There's a fireplace behind them. fireplace.
5 She's covering her face. covering.
6 He's got a remote control in his hand. remote control.
7 He's got a scared expression on his face. expression.

Odpowiedź :


1 Oglądają film na naprawdę dużym ekranie. ekran.

2 To kilka pokoleń tej samej rodziny. pokolenia.

3 Patrzy na przewodnik telewizyjny. Program telewizyjny.

4 Za nimi jest kominek. kominek.

5 Zakrywa twarz. pokrycie.

6 W ręku trzyma pilota. pilot.

7 Ma przerażony wyraz twarzy. wyrażenie