Proszę o pomoc w ćwiczeniu 5 na stronie 102.Na postawie tekstu ze strony 103.Klasa 7 szkoła podstawowa

Hi (Imię),
I'm on summer camp in Berlin. The city is amazing, so I'm planning to stay here a little bit longer. I've seen the Neues Museum and Treptower Park.
I really like the food here, is delicious! The weather is always beautiful. On my street there is a restaurant with very good food and on the right there is a cinema (they have really good popcorn). Yesterday, I went to a small local street market next to my hotel and I bought a souvenir for you. I'm really glad I came here, all my friends are happy too!
See you soon!
(twoje imię)
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)