
1 This looks really good to me, much______
comfortable and not much more expensive...
2 It's nearly ten__________
as expensive! Really,
too expensive.
3 And think about the travelling as well - the
hotel is only__________
of the distance from
here compared to the campsite.
4 All right, you don't want to go camping, no
problem, we can___________
that out.
5 Something not as basic___________
camping but not as expensive____________
the hotel?
OK, I'm happy to go__________
with that.

Odpowiedź :

Witaj :)

1. This looks really good to me, much more comfortable and not much more expensive...

2. It's nearly ten times  as expensive! Really,  it's far  too expensive.

3. And think about the travelling as well - the  hotel is only half  of the distance from  here compared to the campsite.

4. All right, you don't want to go camping, no  problem, we can rule  that out.

5. Something not as basic as  camping but not as expensive as the hotel?  OK, I'm happy to go along  with that.

❓ Tłumaczenie:

1. Dla mnie wygląda to naprawdę dobrze, dużo wygodniej i niewiele drożej...

2. To jest prawie dziesięć razy droższe! Naprawdę, to jest o wiele za drogie.

3. Pomyśl też o dojeździe - hotel jest tylko o połowę bliżej niż kemping.

4. W porządku, nie chcesz jechać na kemping, nie ma problemu, możemy to wykluczyć.

5. Coś nie tak podstawowego jak kemping, ale nie tak drogiego jak hotel? OK, chętnie się na to zgodzę.