
Wyobraź sobie, że jesteś ze znajomymi na
pikniku miejskim. Napisz w zeszycie, co się
właśnie wydarzyło. Użyj zwrotów z ramki.
buy a bracelet / a wristband / earrings
find a wallet / ticket / notebook
take a photo
win a prize / candyfloss
eat sausages / chips
drink fruit juice / chocolate
talk to a policeman / a stall owner
look at clothes stalls / food stalls
My friend has just bought a bracelet.
ćwiczeniówka str 73 zad 6 klasa 6 angielska​

Wyobraź Sobie Że Jesteś Ze Znajomymi Napikniku Miejskim Napisz W Zeszycie Co Sięwłaśnie Wydarzyło Użyj Zwrotów Z Ramkibuy A Bracelet A Wristband Earringsfind A class=

Odpowiedź :

I was with my friend at the picnic. we found a wallet and a notebook.  We ate chips and the policeman sayd he's looking for someone's wallet. We sayd about that we found wallet and we gaved it to him. at the end of the picnic my friend gaved me a bracelet. I will never forget this day.

mam nadzieje że pomogłam ^-^


1. He has just found a wallet.

2. She has just written an email.

3. He has just bought a bracelet.

4. They have just eaten some fast food.

5. I have just opened the door.

Niewiem czy mam dobrze.

licze na najjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
