
1. Uzupełnij zdania w drugim okresie warunkowym:
Czytnik immersyjny
If I .............................. more, I .............................. a great musician.

practise/ become

practiced/ would become

What ......................... you ...................... if you ..................... a milion euros?
Czytnik immersyjny

would..... do/ won

will..... do/ win
If they ......................... in Brazil, they ........................... Portuguese.

lived/ would speak

live/ will speak
He .................. fitter if he ......................... more.

got/ exercised

would get/ exercised
I .............................. to the party with you if I ........................... so tired.
Czytnik immersyjny

will/ am not

would go/ weren't

Odpowiedź :



1. If I practised more, I would become a great musician.

2. What would  you do if you won a milion euros?

3. If they lived in Brazil, they would speak Portuguese.

4. He would get fitter if he exercised more.

5. I would go to the party with you if I weren't so tired.

On Studier: Inne Pytanie