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Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: I spent Easter at home with my family. On Holy Thursday and Friday, I prepared dishes with my mother. I baked my favorite cakes. On Saturday morning, we prepared Easter eggs and a basket. Some Easter eggs were decorated with wax, which was very difficult, because it dried quickly, it had to be heated all the time. Some of the eggs have colored stickers with bunnies, lambs and chickens. The whole basket looked impressive. in the afternoon my family and I went to sacrifice food. Immediately after the results, there was a Christmas breakfast, which, as every year, included my mother's delicious leaves. On Monday I got up earlier than all the household members to get their water. It's been so much Christmas for me, it's a pity it's so fast.

Wyjaśnienie: Nie Mam juz pomyslu co wiecej dopisac :( 130 slow zaraz jak na cos wpadne to dopisze jeszcze