Zadanie 6 strona 74 podrecznik. Musze napisac 3 zdania na temat jednego z podanych twierdzen. Bardzo prosze o pomoc to dla mnie bardzo wazne :)

I disagree with that statement because restaurants usually sell healthy food. It's usually very good, so I believe it's very easy to eat healthy food in a restaurant. Nevertheless if the food is bad you'll usually order some fast - food so everyone shall go to restaurants they know.
Dam do numeru 1.
I agree that it's difficult to eat a healthy meal when you go out to a resterant beacuse, when you look at the menu and you want to eat healthy you can see thing like pizza or spaggeti. Like for me when im really hungry and im in a restaurant i dont want to eat something healthy when i see that i can eat pizza what can make me full. But for me the most difficult time to eat something healthy is when i can smell the tasty meals in the air when i walk in the restaurant.
mam nadzieje że pomogłem :)