
Complete the voicemail with going to (PLAN) or the Present Continuous form (ARRANGEMENT) of the verbs in brackets. Use short forms if possible.
Charles: Hi Marika, it’s Charles. I 0 ’m going (go / PLAN) to the cinema today with my cousin Katie – do you want to come with us? I 1___________________ (meet / ARRANGEMENT) Katie at my house at 2.30 and we 2___________________ (watch / PLAN) the new Batman movie. We 3___________________
(not catch / PLAN) the bus – my mum 4___________________ (take / ARRANGEMENT) us into town. I’m sure there’s enough room in the car for you too. We 5___________________ (eat / PLAN) first at the burger bar near the cinema and after the film, we 6___________________ (hang out - PLAN ) in the shopping centre. My dad 7___________________ (bring / ARRANGEMENT)
us home at about 9 o’clock and Katy 8___________________ (stay / ARRANGEMENT) the night at my house. Text me if you want to come.

Odpowiedź :


Charles: Hi Marika, it’s Charles. I ’m going to go to the cinema today with my cousin Katie – do you want to come with us? I'm meeting Katie at my house at 2.30 and we are going to watch  the new Batman movie. We aren't going to catch the bus – my mum is taking  us into town. I’m sure there’s enough room in the car for you too. We are going to eat first at the burger bar near the cinema and after the film, we are going to hang out in the shopping centre. My dad is bringing us home at about 9 o’clock and is staying the night at my house. Text me if you want to come.


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