
DAJĘ NAJ NA TERAZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Napisz o podróży którą najlepiej wspominasz po angielsku 60 słów nie mniej.

Lecicie do chorwacji samolotem, wsiadacie do taxi, wchodzicie do domku na przeciwko plaży, kąpiecie się, jecie lody i zwiedzacie.
Możecie coś dodać !!!!!

Odpowiedź :


My mother and I flew to Croatia, first we went to the booked hotel it was wonderful, there was a beautiful white kitchen and large glass doors. Then we went for a swim. I met Kinge there, she was from Poland and she had a room on the floor above my mother let me go on ice cream with her. Her favorite flavor is strawberry I prefer cream but good. Unfortunately, my mother said we were going back to the hotel and I said goodbye. We got a salad for dinner, it was good. I met with kings a few times but we had to come back on Saturday. It was the best adventure of my life

To jest z tłumacza sorry jeśli miało wyglądać inaczej