
Bardzo proszę o pomoc! Z góry dziękuję
Dla każdego zdania wyjściowego napisz zdanie drugie tak, żeby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj podanego wyrazu w niezmienionej formie. Zachowaj pełną poprawność gramatyczną i ortograficzną.
Użyj struktur: want, would like, wish, had better, it’s time, prefer, would prefer, would rather.
1. I think it’s a good idea for me to go on a diet. TIME
2. It’s a pity I am not allowed to drive my father’s car. WISH
3. If I were you, I wouldn’t buy it. BETTER
4. I want you to visit me in the summer. LIKE
5. She likes country life more than city life. PREFERS
6. I think you should start looking for a job. TIME
7. It’s a pity I have so little free time. WISH
8. You shouldn’t travel to that region without a guide. OUGHTN’T
9. It isn’t a good idea for you to avoid studying. WERE
10. I’d rather stay in a youth hostel tonight. PREFER
11. Adam would prefer to have a better job. WISHES
12. He likes reading books more than meeting other people. PREFERS
13. I think you need to start being more responsible. TIME
14. I advise you not to take such a big loan. BETTER
15. You ought to take precautions not to get infected with COVID-19. SHOULD
16. I’d prefer to go on a holiday abroad this year. RATHER
17. I suggest you talk with your parents about this problem. BETTER
18. You’d better not act on your own. SHOULD
19. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t like to make this decision now. RATHER
20. I think it would be a good idea for you to save some money. BETTER
21. I am sorry I have to share a room with my brother. WISH
22. Please start revising for your matura school-leaving exam. TIME
23. You ought to buy a present for your host family. BETTER
24. You should enrol on that course. IDEA
25. She would like to eat out today. PREFER

Odpowiedź :


1. It's time I went on a diet

2. I wish I could drive my father's car.

3. You had better not buy it.

4. I would like you to visit me in the summer.

5. She prefers country life to city life.

6. It's high time you started looking for a job.

7. I wish I had more free time.

8. You oughtn't to travel to that region without a guide.

9. If I were you, I wouldn't avoid studying.

10. I prefer to stay in a youth hostel tonight.

11. Adam wishes he had a better job.

12. He prefers reading books to meeting other people

13. It's time you started being being more responsible.

14. You had  better not take such a big loan.

15. You should take precautions to avoid getting  infected with COVID-19.

16. I would rather go on a holiday abroad this year.

17. You had better talk with your parents about this problem.  

18. You should not act on your own.

19. I would  rather not make this decision now.  

20. You had better save some money.

21. I wish I didn't have to share a room with my brother.

22. It's high time you started revising for your matura school-leaving exam.

23. You had better buy a present for your host family.

24. It is a good idea for you to enroll on that course.

25. She would prefer to eat out today.