
Opisz wybraną sobotę lub niedzielę, którą spędziłeś / spędziłaś na wycieczce z rodziną (może to być prawdziwa lub wymyślona wycieczka). Twoja praca ma mieć co najmniej 100 słów. Użyj zwrotów: First, Then, After that.

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masz tu wymyśloną historię.

Last Saturday I went to the Zoo. First i go to the Lions. After that i go to seals. Then I was impressed, they jumped and jumped it was amazing. After that I go to elephants. They are really, really, really big. Then they began to eat. It was sweet when the little ones ate from their mothers. After that I go to tigers. on the way I ate strawberry and vanilla ice cream. They were delicious, but the tigers were terrible, but very pretty. then i go to the last attraction, i.e. rabbits. They were super cuteeee. I fell in love with them. I was sad to leave there.


Jest trochę więcej ale starałam się




It happened 5 years ago. I was walking through the park when I saw a small dog. There weren't any people around me. The dog was alone. I phoned my parents and we decided that I should take the dog to our home and find the dog's owner.

Next day when I was printing a notice about the dog to put it up in neighbourhood I heard shouting. Someone was calling the dog! I opened window and I said that the dog is here. People were really happy that they found their pet. It was hard for me to part with this sweet small animal but I knew that I'm not the owner. The owners promise that we'll meet again. Fortunatly, they were our new neightboors. I was so happy when I heard that! It meant that I could see George (the dog has name - George, isn't it nice?) every day!

After this event I loved animals and my parents bought me a dog too. I named it Georgia. Now, I and my neightboors are walking to park every day tougether with our dogs. :)


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