
.Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź

Pytanie 1 Pytanie 6
She’s ...... university teacher. Is this coat .......?
A) a A) yours
B) an B) the yours
C) - C) your
D) one D) you

Pytanie 2 Pytanie 7
I’ll see you ..... Thursday afternoon. You ....... worry about it.
A) at A) not must
B) on B) don’t must
C) - C) mustn’t
D) in D) didn’t must

Pytanie 3 Pytanie 8
We ............... Mr Brown last Friday. Please calm ...... . Everything is all right. A) met A) out
B) have met B) down
C) meet C) up
D) had met D) off
Pytanie 4 Pytanie 9
I went out without ........... money. There’s the man ......... took your coat.
A) some A) which
B) no B) who
C) any C) what
D) many D) -

Pytanie 5 Pytanie 10
Her hair ......... dark blond. He lives in the same street ....... me.
A) are A) that
B) colour B) as
C) is C) than
D) has D) like