
Zrobi ktoś na jutro?

Zrobi Ktoś Na Jutro class=

Odpowiedź :


Zad 1

1 is Earth called

2 is composed

3 is covered

4 isn't named

5 are known

Zad 2

1 was discovered, Axel Holst

2 was described, Isaac Newton

3 were introduced, Xerox engineers

4 was created, Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Zadanie 1:

Why is Earth called the Blue Planet? Because seventy per cent of the Earth's surfaces is composed of water. The rest of the surface is covered by solid ground. Earth is also the only planet in the Solar System which isn't named after any Roman god or goddess. Have you heard of any other interesting facts which are known about our planet?

Zadanie 2:

1. Vitamin C was discovered in 1912 by Axel Host.

2. The law of gravity was described in 1687 by Isaac Newton.

3. The first photocopiers were introduced in 1959 by Xerox engineers.

4. Gooogle, one of the most popular search engines was created in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.