Odpowiedź :
1. There has been a terrorist attack at the airport. - Atak terrorystyczny.
2. Homelessness is a growing problem due to the economic crisis. - Bezdomność.
3. Racial discrimination is illegal in this country. - Dyskryminacja rasowa.
4. They were accused of armed robbery. - Napad z bronią.
5. She was found guilty of shoplifting. - Kradzież sklepowa.
6. The theft took place during the night. - Kradzież.
7. There has been a burglary in the office. - Włamanie.
8. How can here be so much poverty in such a rich country? - Ubóstwo/Bieda.
9. We found your fingerprint on the weapon. - Odcisk palca (na broni)
10. The judge told the defendant to stand up. - Pozwany
11. He gave him life imprisonment. - Dożywocie.
12. I'm against capital punishment. - Kara śmierci.