
Proszę o pomoc czy dobrze zrobiłem blog
1 Napisz jak znalazłeś psa
2 Opisz jego wygląd
3 Napisz jak znalazłeś właściciela/ke psa

Hi guys!
*I’m writing this post to tell you about how i found the dog I found him next to the my garden in the morning. I figured he was lost because he was alone and had collar
*This dog was brown in color and he was short , he had blue eyes and short tail. It was niced and fasted.
*To find the owner of the dog , I printed a photo of the dog and hug it on various things the owner was found after two days the owner of the dog thanked me very much.
That’s all for today, stay tuned for tomorrow’s post!

Odpowiedź :

mozesz poprawic znaki interpunkcyjne i jak jest to brown to bez in color

On Studier: Inne Pytanie