
Przygotuj krótki, pięciozdaniowy wpis na blog dotyczący przyszłości ludzi i świata za 50 lat.

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not much online from home flying cars and bikes fast and comfortable transport robots

machines do household chores healthy food food pills genetically

modified food in space on a different planet underwater underground

Will people work a lot?

How will people work?

How will people travel?

Who will do the household chores?

What will people eat?

Where will people live?​

Odpowiedź :


In 50 years, people would probably have much less work then today. Many people would work as machine engineers or scientists. People would travel with flying cars and bikes, but there would also be really fast trains that takes few seconds to arrive. The houshold chores would not be a problem anymore in 50 years, because robots will do them. People would eat less healthy food than today, because it would be really processed. In 50 years people would live in tall skyscapers that would have loads of shops and parks inside.

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