
prosze o pomoc
1.Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż i napisz zdania w czasie present continuous.
1. They / not study

2.I / phone my friend I', phome to my

3. You / play basketball

4.She / read a book

5. We / not send text messages
2. Zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź na pytanie. Napisz obok pytania odpowiednią literkę z odpowiedzi: a, b lub c.
1.Who is she watching?
a. No, she is not
b. She is watching TV
c. She is watching Sally

2. Where is he running?
a. He is running in the garden
b. He is running
c. He is running with Tom

3.What is Ben studying?
a. He is studying science
b. He is studying in the school
c. He is studying

4. Where are you eating?
a. I am eating hamburger
b. I am eating in the garden.
C. I am eating

5. What are you playing?
a. I am playing at school
b. I am playing with Lisa
c. I am playing the drums