
4 Połącz zdania przysłówkami enough lub too.
1 These trainers are so small. I can't put them on my
These twoimaires ou les homme on
too small.
2. This dress fits well Pcan wear it to the party.my
3 He saved his money all year long. He bought a car.
4 I was very ill on Tuesday. I couldn't go to school.
5 The exercise was extremely difficult for him. He
couldn't do it.
6 James has got a lot of experience. He can get the
7 The bag is heavy. I can't take it on the plane.
8 You are young. You can't take driving lessons.
9 Henry didn't catch the 6 am train. He was late.
10 Jeff is very good at soccer. He could play

Odpowiedź :

1. too

2. enough

3. enough

4. too

5. too

6. enough

7. too

8. too

9. too

10. enough

On Studier: Inne Pytanie