
Język ąngielski
Napisz wypracowanie o swoim ulubionym zwierzęciu
co ma być w nim zawarte :
-Wybrane zwierze
- uzasadnie wyboru
- jak wygląda
- Jak się odżywia
-gdzie żyje na wolności
- na koniec jakaś ciekawostka
Ps.Moje ulubione zwierze to chomik

Odpowiedź :


I have a hamster which I will describe to you today.

I chose a hamster for reasons that it is quite simple to care for

I really like to change the cottage and the décor of the room.

Hamster called draco is white in brown patches likes to bury himself under hay knows two tricks lie down and go to the account it does as nie przepada za swojHamster called draco is white in brown patches likes to bury himself under hay knows two tricks lie down and go to the account it does as he has a penalty. Draco doesn't like your food, he's very picky, but he eats well.He lives in an aquarium because he is big and the hamster sees everything. Hamsters are very clever