Zrobi ktoś zadanie z załącznika? Napisane z tłumacza zgłaszam i za skopiowanie.

Hey (wpisz imię odbiorcy)
How are you? We know each other for a while, and I've notice that you are a foodie. That's kinda crazy but I think that's cool. So I went this holidays for a week cooking course. That was mare like a basic cooking course. The main topic was "Herbs and spices of the word". It was really cool. First day the thought us how important is salt in every kind of a meal. From cupcakes to cooking pasta. It was so much fun, 'cuz we made our own pasta. I've learn that if I want to make a great aromatic and tasty dish, I have to use salt, and that's a must. So I was kinda thinking, after this course, I sure I would not burn the kitchen. I will be fun if you come to me for a lunch. We could cook together? What are you thing about that? Write back, and I will looking forward to know.
(wpisz swoje imię)