
Jesteś na wakacjach Napisz do znajomych pocztówkę w, w której:

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Daje naj 5 gwiazdek najlepszą odpowiedź 25 pkt !!!!

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How are you?

I write this email to tell you that now I’m with my family in Warsaw.

It’s a capital city of Poland.

I spend lots of time in museums because I think you know that we love spending time in museum and watching exhibitions it’s so cool.

Yesterday I was in zoo.

It was very good trip I saw lots of interesting animals for examples monkey and elephant it’s very good that you can watching lots of animals in the zoo. What do you think ?

I have lots of memories from this trip.

We back to house tomorrow if you want we can meet and I must tell you about my new cloths! I bought lots of clothes.

I think you can meet tomorrow!

I can’t wait to see you !

Twoje imię

Hey. As you know a few days ago I went on vacation, I am there with my mom and dad we went to Spain. It's very cool here, we swim in the sea, sightsee, try new things and buy souvenirs. We are coming back soon, I think in a week or two. Then we will meet and I will tell you everything. I love you bye.