
Daje naj
na dziś to jest

Daje Naj Na Dziś To Jest class=
Daje Naj Na Dziś To Jest class=
Daje Naj Na Dziś To Jest class=

Odpowiedź :


Zad 2

Po lewej stronie tabeli




Po prawej stronie tabeli




Zad 3

1. h

2. d

3. i

4. a

5. f

6. c

7. e

8. g

9. b

Zad 5

1. go

2. download

3. surf, play

4. go

5. play

6. spend

7. listen

8. chat, send

Zad 6

1. make

2. have

3. make

4. make/have

5. have

6. do

7. do

8. make/have

9. have

10. have

11. do

12. do

13. have

14. do

Myślę, że pomogłam i liczę na naj


nephew  niece

son daughter

husband wife

uncle aunt

grandfather grandmother

brother sister


1. H

2. D

3. I

4. A

5. F

6. C

7. E

8. G

9. B


1. go

2. download

3. surf the Net, play online games

4. go

5. play

6. spend

7. listen

8. chat, send


1. make breakfast

2. have a chat

3. make the bed

4. make coffee

5. have a cup of tea

6. do the landury

7. do the cooking

8. have dinner

9. have a bath

10. have a snack

11. do the chores

12. do the ironing

13. have a nap

14. do the washing