
Subject: Ćwiczenia w pisaniu, list do przyjaciela(email)
Spedziłeś ferie zimowe w górach.Napisz list do kolegi, w którym:
1.przeprosisz za to, że dawno nie pisałes
2.napiszesz skąd wróciłęś
3. napisz z kim byłeś i gdzie mieszkałeś
4. opisz jak spędziłeś czas i co Ciebie pozytywnie zaskoczyło
5. wyraź nadzieję, że wkrótce się spotkacie i poproś o kontakt telefoniczny.
podpisz się jako xyz

Odpowiedź :


Hey (wpisz imię odbiorcy)

how are you? I know that the last time i wrote to you was ages ago. I sorry for that. So I know that you spend a great time in Spain this winter holidays. Thanks for your last letter. You also asked me, how I spend my free time. Well, like you I went to another country. I was in Switzerland, specifically in a nice town Scuol. It was so nice. That was actually a winter camp that i went with my sailing team. I know what sailing has to skiing, but it was fun. We stayed in a nice house, with a place to hide our skiing stuff. So basically our journey looked like first of all we were eating breakfast that we were making on our own. Usually cereal. I know creative but we have to wake up at 7 a.m. so no one was able to make something more creative. Later we were skiing for about 5 hours with a half an hour break in a middle. In the afternoon we had free time, and we were talking with each other, playing wideo games and having fun. The positive thin that I was a bit shock, was that it was there damn a lot of snow. Literally in my country if ever that much snow fall from the sky, we would have closed everything. But here? No one was impressed.

I hope you're doing alright and that we could meet somewhere soon. I also thought that writing a letter is a bit too oldschool and I this that writing a normal text would be easier. So I thought you may give my your number.

Your friend,